Friday, August 10, 2012

Santa Cruz. CA: Trial postponed for Felton man accused of killing girlfriend in fight over Winter Olympics

SANTA CRUZ -- The trial for a man accused of killing his live-in girlfriend during an argument over the Winter Olympics had been postponed again.
Richard Chavez, 43, was scheduled to begin trial on Aug. 20 for the murder of Deanna Dudley. His attorney, public defender Mark Briscoe, is having conflicts and in court Thursday, the trial was postponed to Oct. 1.
When Judge Paul Burdick asked Chavez if he was willing to continue to waive time for the trial, he replied sullenly, "I suppose." Chavez remains in County Jail.
Dudley was hit several times in the head with a flashlight on Feb. 28, 2010. Authorities have said the two were engaged in an alcohol-fueled fight over watching the Winter Olympics at the home they shared in Felton.
Dudley, 37, was unconscious and bleeding when medics arrived at the home but later died at the hospital of a cerebral hemorrhage.

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