Saturday, March 10, 2012

Plum, PA: Police: Plum Man Shot, Killed Girlfriend After Fight

PLUM, Pa. -- A 29-year-old man who was accused of shooting and killing his live-in girlfriend last year pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter on Wednesday morning.
Allegheny County police said Jordan Just and Nancy Schaab, 26, were involved in a domestic disturbance on Millers Lane early on the morning of Oct. 23.

Channel 4 Action News' Ashlie Hardway reported that the criminal complaint says the fight started after Schaab paid for five bags of heroin that she never received. Things became physical, and she went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife, according to the complaint.
"Per Jordan, Nancy inflicted lacerations and puncture wounds on him ... Jordan retrieved a handgun that was on the dining room table and shot Nancy one time in the chest," police wrote in the complaint.
Schaab was found inside the house, propped up against the couch with a knife in her hand, police said in the complaint.
Just was taken to UPMC Mercy with a concussion and a broken nose, in addition to his cuts, the complaint said.
"He was not resisting in any manner or running or trying to flee -- that he was more or less waiting there at the scene for officers to arrive," Plum police Lt. Jeff Armstrong said.

Just was originally charged with criminal homicide before pleading down to manslaughter. He will face a mandatory prison term of at least five years when Judge Ed Borkowski sentences him on July 7.
Team 4 found that Just was on probation for a 2006 DUI conviction when he shot Schaab. His other criminal cases include assault, harassment, terroristic threats and reckless endangerment.

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