Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Suffolk, VA: Police in Suffolk investigate apparent murder-suicide

Police in Suffolk are investigating what appears to be a domestic murder-suicide involving an estranged husband violating a protective order.

Deborah Marlow Wigg, 39, was shot to death in her home in the 100 block of Grove Avenue in the Oak Ridge subdivision. Her estranged husband, Robert Lyndon Wigg, 43, of Virginia Beach, was found dead in another location. Diana Klink, spokeswoman for the city, said investigators believe Robert Wigg's gunshot wound was self-inflicted.

Klink said Deborah Wigg called dispatchers at 11 p.m. to report that her husband was trying to gain entrance to her home in violation of a protective order. Before officers could arrive, she told the dispatcher that her husband had forced his way in, and then she lost phone contact.

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Two children, ages 4 and 10, were in the home at the time. They are now in the custody of relatives.

Klink said investigators believe Robert Wigg shot his wife and then drove to her parents' home in the 1600 block of Ronald Drive where he shot himself.

The case remains under investigation.


  1. I went to elementary through high school with Debbie and her brother. I was in the same class as her brother. What this story does not tell you is that Debbie saved her children's and her parents' lives that night. Robert went to her parents' house after he shot her. When he did not find them there, he shot himself. It is very sobering to realize my friend could have lost his entire family that night: his sister, his 2 nephews, and both parents. You would not expect this kind of violence in this family's life, but it happened. They are upright, gentle people. It still happened. Even a year later, there are so many people hurting over this story. Please get away from anyone who lacks self control in their anger. Prepare to protect yourself and your children. Better prepared and not needed than unprepared when you do.

  2. Debbie is not just another story to me. She was my friend. I went to elementary, middle, and high school with her and her brother. Debbie is a hero. She kept her children safe. She also saved her parents' lives by calling them. Robert went to their house next. When he did not find them, he shot himself. It is very sobering to realize her brother, my friend, could have lost everyone in his family that night: his sister, nephews, and both parents. This family is an upright and gentle family. You would not expect this violence in their lives. It still happened. Get away from people who can't control their temper. Learn to protect yourself. Better prepared and not needed than needed and not prepared.
