Friday, September 2, 2011

Oregon, OH: Two arrested in Oregon homicide case face judge, one makes confession

OREGON, OH (WTOL) - The couple accused of murdering a man in Oregon were arraigned Thursday in Oregon.

According to a police report one of them made a confession.

Shawn Brazeal, 20, and Jennelle McGuire, 19, face murder charges for the death of Devin McGuire, 35, who was found dead Tuesday in an Oregon culvert.

Both Brazeal and Jennelle were issued $500,000 bonds.

According to the report, Jennelle and Brazeal were brought in to help identify Devin McGuire's body.

When investigators questioned Brazeal, Brazeal said he and Jennelle had killed McGuire. In his statement, Brazeal said Jennelle had talked for some time about killing her husband. Brazeal said that on Wednesday night, Aug. 17, Jennelle told Devin she was leaving him.

Brazeal went on to describe how when Devin stood up, Brazeal put him into a "Master Lock" head lock. This hold positioned the victims hands and arms above his head and rendered him partially defenseless.

While Brazeal said he was holding Devin, Jennelle apparently began stabbing Devin in the chest approximately 15 to 20 times.

Brazeal and Jennelle then left Devin's body in the bathtub while they went into the back yard to dig a grave.

After about an hour, they decided it was too much work, according to Brazeal. So they put the victim in a wheeled garbage can after partially covering the body with garbage bags. They then wheeled the garbage can to the creek at South Shore where they dumped the body in the water and pushed it nearly out of sight into a concrete culvert.

They apparently also put a blanket over the body and placed rocks over it to hold it in place.

When investigators searched McGuire's Oregon trailer where Brazeal said he and Jennelle had committed the murder, investigators found blood in several places including the bathroom and the hall way among other places.

After Devin's death, the couple reportedly moved in with Brazeal's family in north Toledo.

According to Brazeal's sister, Brazeal and Jennelle were having an affair before Devin's death. The sister also accused Devin of beating Jennelle.

Brazeal and Jennelle were arrested Wednesday at around 11:30 a.m. when U.S. Marshals tracked the couple down at Brazeal's family's home at 2308 Chestnut in Toledo.

Police say the McGuires had been living in Oregon for six months after moving into the area from Tennessee. Devin and Jennelle had been married for three years and apparently had been missing for two weeks, but no missing person's report had been filed.

McGuire's body was discovered by a couple vacationing at Maumee Bay State Park. They were riding their bikes over a culvert just before noon Tuesday when the husband, a retired Cleveland Police Officer, spotted human legs coming out of the water.

Police then taped off the area and pulled the body out of the creek.

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