Friday, September 2, 2011

Article: Professor's murder puts spotlight on domestic violence

COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - According to the South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, at least 23 women in the state have been killed by a current or former husband or boyfriend this year. These are crimes advocates say can be stopped.

"It's heartbreaking just to hear that its continuing to happen," said SCCADV Executive Director Pamela Jacobs.

According to the State Law Enforcement Division, more than 34,000 people were involved in domestic assaults in 2009, and 36 of them were murdered. Already in 2011, there have been 23 murders of women at the hands of a current or former boyfriend or husband.

"This is an issue that impacts all of us," said Jacobs, who said the problems with domestic violence can be stopped -- but it takes the community.

Jacobs says she decided to speak out about the problem after seeing Jennifer Wilson's story, the USC professor who police say was killed at the hands of her ex-boyfriend.

"It really is a reminder to us of the work the tremendous work that's left to be done to end domestic violence in our communities and in our state," said Jacobs.

If you have been a victim of domestic violence, call 1-800-799-SAFE.

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