Monday, August 15, 2011

Parker, FL: Update: Teen Murdered, Two arrested

Parker - The story of a teenager who's been missing for a month ends in tragedy. Parker Police found Jacob Hendershot’s body near the Dupont Bridge Saturday night.

"I will make damn sure...I will be mad at the law if they don't get the death penalty for doing this to my baby. Oh my god. How could they do this?. What did he do," said Nancy Robinson.

That's how 16 year old Jacob Hendershot's mother, Nancy Robinson, feels about the two men charged with his murder. Police arrested 25 year old Joel Millsap and 17 year old William Chase Saturday night. They're both charged with an open count of murder. Hendershot had just moved from Indiana to Parker to live with his mother 3 weeks before he disappeared on July 14th.

"He had left the home and told family he was leaving, so they thought he was just a run a way, but during the investigation there was no activity from him and he didn't show up anywhere, so we new something had happened to him," said Aaron Wilson, Parker Police Department Investigator.

Robinson says her son was a good kid and it was unlike him to not come home.That's why she reported him missing to police when he was nowhere to be found.

"He made my eyes light up...I loved him," said Robinson.

Parker Police found Hendershot's body around 7:00 Saturday night in a concrete enclosure after one of the suspects, William Chase's girlfriend came forward with information. Her information lead to 2 arrests. Chase then showed officers where Hendershot's body was. Authorities say when they discovered Hendershot"s body somewhere in the woods near DuPont Bridge it was hidden so well you could have been a foot away from it and not even of released it. Investigators believe his two killers were seeking revenge and it was all over a girl. Robinson says Millsap sent Hendershot text messages before he disappeared.

"He sent Jacob a text message saying leave Stephanie alone she's my girlfriend now," said Robinson.

Police are not releasing too many details about how exactly Hendershot was killed, but Chase told officers Millsap and Hendershot got into a physical fight. Then said the two suspects stole a boat and used it to dispose of their clothes and Hendershot's clothes by throwing them into the bay. An autopsy is scheduled tomorrow to determine the exact cause of death.

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