Monday, April 4, 2011

Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn man charged with bludgeoning 62-year-old wife to death

A Brooklyn man was charged Sunday with bludgeoning his 62-year-old wife to death, police said.
Noor Hussain was arrested and charged with murder based on statements he made to detectives, police said. His wife, Nazar, was found dead in her bed inside her home on E. 14th St. in Midwood about 3:15 a.m.

Noor Hussain had called 911, reporting that she was coughing up blood, a police source said.
Noor Hussain had beat her with a blunt, sticklike object, cops said.

Next-door neighbor Ali Asad, 18, said he witnessed a brutal fight late Saturday night in which Noor Hussain smashed a beer bottle.

"I heard fighting, screaming," Asad said. "They were cursing, shouting, 'F--- you, I hate you.' He pushed her down."
"He threw her down on the floor," Asad added.

The couple had long had a stormy relationship, neighbors said.

"The husband would get upset easily," said Muhammad Khan, 56. "He was a very short-tempered man."
Nazar Hussain's grandson, Saifur Rehman, came to her home after getting word of her death. He hadn't seen his grandmother in many years. "I was just shocked, so surprised," said Rehman.

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