Thursday, October 21, 2010

Des Moines, IA: Federal agents help D.M. police investigate murder-suicide

Posted By Jared Strong On October 21, 2010 @ 2:42 pm In Communities,Des Moines South | No Comments

Two big questions remain in last week’s murder-suicide [1] on the south side:

– What led Robbie Sears, a seemingly non-murderous 25-year-old, to shoot and kill his ex-girlfriend?

– And how’d he get the handgun to do it, even though he was denied a state-required permit [2] to obtain one because a judge barred him from owning a firearm?

Police Sgt. Jeff Edwards said the first question might go unanswered, but his investigators are still working on question #2, and they’ve enlisted the help of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Federal agents should be able to help Des Moines police track where that handgun was before Sears had it, Edwards hopes.

It’s unclear how long the ATF investigation will take, but it appears the trail hasn’t gone cold.

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