Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cleveland, OH: Man Charged With Stabbing Wife To Death

CLEVELAND, Ohio - Cleveland Police have officially charged a man accused of stabbing his wife to death in their Grantwood Avenue home.

Police were called to the house in the 19000 block of Grantwood early Sunday morning after receiving a call from a man in Pennsylvania claiming his brother had killed his wife.

Police found Ramon Carson, 51, standing in the driveway of the home. They say he directed them to the second floor bedroom where they found Shana Gardener, 45, stabbed to death.

Neighbors say Gardener was a caring woman. One of her friends says she was afraid something might happen to Gardener after she filed for divorce from Carson last week.

"I didn't know what he was gonna do to her, we kept telling her but when I heard she was getting a divorce I said it this was going to happen and it did," Donna Cosmen said.

Court records show Gardener filed for divorce August 2nd, and she had been granted a temporary restraining order against Carson.

Relatives say Shana was an architect, and she was most recently working on the new juvenile justice center in Cleveland.

Her neighbors say children were her focus in everything. They say she often gave the children on the street gifts, helped them get new school supplies, and even brought them gifts at Christmas.

"It wasn't because she did it to put on a front it came from her heart, you don't meet too many people like that they talk religion but they don't live it she lived it every single day whatever she could do for you she did," neighbor Grace Jefferson said.

Carson will appear in court on Tuesday. Gardener's family declined comment.

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