Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lamar County, TX: Lamar Co. Woman Accused Of Killing Husband

LAMAR COUNTY, TX -- A woman is under arrest after authorities say she confessed to killing her estranged husband.

Deputies say the woman sought help shortly after the killing on Wednesday afternoon. Kathleen Erskine, 40, is charged with murder, and deputies say she and her husband were estranged but still living together near Arthur City.

"She had found some utility workers on the county road and asked them to call the police because she had shot her husband, her ex-husband," says sheriff-elect Scott Cass.

According to Cass, when deputies went to the house, they found a man dead inside and he had been shot several times.

Erskine was taken to the Lamar County Jail where she was being held in lieu of $250,000 bond.

1 comment:

  1. This was my brother! Do you have any idea what you have done to our family for 20 yrs we loved you through all the fights and chaos and we never judged you or took sides,or your family who has loved you and tried to help you WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS KATIE???
    what could he have done so bad you had to shoot him 3 times?? Do the images of my brother lying there with is chest ripped apart haunt you?? Whatever trauma you think you've suffered in your life to justify taking my brothers life and destroying your childrens lives I would really like to know.
