Monday, August 20, 2012

Fairbanks, AK: Police: Man posed as dead girlfriend in texts

FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) — A 35-year-old North Pole man accused of killing his girlfriend impersonated her in text messages for several days, according to Fairbanks police.

The Fairbanks Daily News-Miner ( ) says Nyrobbie Chandler is being held without bail at Fairbanks Correctional Center. Chandler is charged with first-degree murder and evidence tampering in connection with the death of Kaylynn Bishop.

Police said they interviewed Chandler four times between the time Bishop was found dead in early May and his arrest Friday.

According to police, Chandler's account of the week his girlfriend died is that Bishop got home late from work at a bar May 6 and later got a call from someone Chandler did not know who picked her up at his house.

Phone records show Bishop never received a phone call in that time, police said.

According to authorities, there were several text messages from Bishop's phone on May 7 and 8 — after she likely was killed. The messages had say Bishop saying she was going to miss work because she was going to Chena Hot Springs Resort. Some text messages asked about picking up a $400 deposit Bishop had made on an apartment.

Bishop's body was found May 9, partially buried behind an abandoned vehicle near an exit of the Richardson Highway.

An autopsy performed by the state medical investigator concluded Bishop was strangled.

Bishop's vehicle, which Chandler drove between May 6 and 9, was missing carpet in its trunk and contained a substance that tested positive for Bishop's blood, according to police.

Interviews with Bishop's friends and co-workers supported provided evidence of a possible motive, police said.

"The underlying theme of these interviews was that Chandler was a jealous and controlling boyfriend and that Bishop was scared of Chandler and had been trying to end the relationship for some time," detective Peyton Merideth wrote in the criminal complaint.

Chandler was arraigned Saturday, participating by video from the correctional center.

"Do I get a bail or anything?" he asked.

Magistrate judge David Roghair said Chandler would be held without bail for the time being.

"I plead no contest," Chandler said at one point. The magistrate judge told him Chandler would not be able to enter a plea until he appears in court again with an attorney.

It's unclear if Chandler has an attorney.

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