Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Columbus, GA: Wife recounts tragic night boyfriend killed husband

A fight between two men who both loved the same woman ended in gunfire on Friday night.

Felisha Roberts, 30, saw her husband lay dead on the living room floor inside her Sugar Mill apartment on Schomburg Road.

Felisha says her live-in boyfriend pulled the trigger after Marcus Roberts, 42, beat him up.

"I know they were fighting on the other side of the suburban and I know they were fighting when they got into the breeze way. I left the baby and I ran behind them. I was screaming call the police somebody," explained Felisha.

Marcus was there to pick up the couples' four-year-old son for the weekend, a regular routine outlined in his visitation rights during divorce proceedings.

But instead of meeting at the apartment, Felisha says the two had agreed to meet at the Circle K on about a mile from the apartment.

"I told him I was coming. I had to get his stuff...you know what are you doing here."

Felisha says Marcus approached her boyfriend first.

"He said, ‘Joel I need to talk to you. That's the only thing I can remember when Marcus came to the vehicle. Joel responded and said something like, ‘what the…"

Felisha added the men then left the parking lot and came into her apartment.

"Joel comes back out of the room with the gun and I'm in the middle of the saying ‘no stop'. Marcus pushed me out of the way. I don't know what happened; I crawled out of the apartment."

Felisha went back in and found Marcus on the floor with a gunshot wound to the neck.

"I just wish it was a bad dream, a nightmare," Felisha said.

So far, no arrests have been made; police say they are still investigating.

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