Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Chardon, OH: Middlefield man killed wife, himself in Chardon (with 911 call)

CHARDON — A Middlefield husband and wife are dead after a murder-suicide took place yesterday morning at a Chardon business.

Chardon police said the incident occurred at Cooke’s Complete Service Center, an auto repair shop at 500 Center St. in Chardon.

Police said a preliminary investigation indicates Frank Dobos, 44, shot his wife, Monika Dobos, 40, about 9:36 a.m. before turning the gun on himself.

“There was no at-large shooter, there was no shooter running around,” Chardon Police Lt. Troy Duncan said. “We have recovered the weapon, and everything appears that everything happened right here.”

Monika was an employee of the business, and she and her husband did not come to the location together, he added.

Police said the couple were in the process of getting a divorce.

Business owner Rollin Cooke III was devastated by the incident.

“She worked for me,” he said, choking back tears. He declined to comment further.
Duncan added that the shootings occurred outside the business, but the actual incident wasn’t witnessed by anyone else.

Chardon City Councilwoman Nancy McArthur was on her way to a meeting when she heard about the incident and stopped at the scene.
“It just hurts to see this happen,” McArthur said.

She urged people to seek out help for their problems, saying that violence was never the answer.

“I just wish people would find another way to deal with their problems,” McArthur said.

Churches, social workers and other organizations are available to people who need help, she added.

“Nothing can be this bad. I just don’t understand. I never will.”

Chardon Mayor Phil King said the city’s thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those killed.

“I think everyone who knows what we’ve experienced knows the community... would react in sympathy and condolences and sadness for the individuals involved,” King said.

“This particular instance could have happened anywhere at any time. It’s just tragic.”

Police said the incident remains under investigation.

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