Sunday, June 3, 2012

Renton, WA: Ex-boyfriend charged with first-degree murder in death of Renton teen

Nineteen-year-old Jarod Lane has been charged with first degree murder in the stabbing death of his ex-girlfriend, 17-year-old Jessica Scholl.
Lane was picked up by Oklahoma City police and Oklahoma state troopers on Monday after his abandoned vehicle was spotted on the shoulder of Interstate 35 about 18 miles north of Oklahoma City.

Scholl was found dead in her burning home in Renton last Friday. An autopsy found that she died from multiple stab wounds, blunt force injuries and potential ligature strangulation.

Court documents say Scholl had broken up with Lane about a week earlier after a two-year romantic relationship.

Friends told police that Lane had not taken the break-up well, was distraught and depressed and had cut himself.

According to probably cause documents filed in King County, early on the morning of the murder, Lane and Scholl were seen arguing on the front porch of Scholl’s home and Scholl had texted a male friend, saying Lane wouldn’t leave her alone.

Later, Lane called his mother, saying “I love you. I’ve done something I’m not proud of, I have to run away.”

Documents also say Lane’s friend, who lives in Arizona, told detectives that Lane called him the morning of the murder and said “I killed her,” and said he was going to Mexico.

Lane spoke to his mother again on May 26, saying he had gone to Scholl’s home on the morning of the 25th because he knew she would be home alone and that he just wanted to talk with her. He said Scholl told him she was seeing someone else and at that he just snapped.
Charging documents say Lane’s mother asked him repeatedly if he killed Scholl and he said yes.
Lane's bail was set at $2 million.

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