Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Manassas, VA: Man pleads guilty for Manassas stabbing death

After Keby Moya’s sister told him that her boyfriend abused her, Moya grabbed a kitchen knife, confronted the man and stabbed and killed him.

At a hearing in Prince William Circuit Court Tuesday, Moya, 19, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder for the Oct. 14 stabbing death of 28-year-old Jose Abel Teo Aguilar.

According to court testimony, Moya lived in a townhouse at 8620 Braxted Lane in Manassas, with his sister, Aracely Moya, Aguilar and their three young children.

A family friend told Moya that Aguilar was abusing Aracely Moya and on the night of Oct. 14, Moya discussed the allegations with his sister in the kitchen on the lower level of their townhouse, Manassas Detective C.D. Van Noppen testified Tuesday.

At a January preliminary hearing in the case, Aracely Moya, testified that she admitted the abuse to her brother.

“He was upset. He was like, ‘Why do you let him do that to you? You always take him back.’ I told him, ‘It’s my problem. I have to deal with it,’” she testified in January.

Moya then told his sister “they were having a problem with the air conditioning unit and he wanted her to go outside to check on it,” Van Noppen said.

Aracely Moya went outside and her brother grabbed a knife from the kitchen and walked upstairs to find Aguilar.

“He confronted Mr. Aguilar. Then there was screaming and stabbing,” Van Noppen said.

Aracely Moya then went back inside and saw her brother stabbing her boyfriend and called 911.

Aguilar was pronounced dead at the scene. The medical examiner’s report said he died of stab wounds to the neck and thorax.

Keby Moya faces up to 40 years in prison when he is sentenced on Oct. 5.

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