Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Toledo, OH: Vigil held for mom murdered by boyfriend

TOLEDO, Ohio -
A vigil was held Tuesday for a young mother who police say was stabbed to death by her boyfriend. The murder happened Monday on Western Avenue in Toledo.

Natall Triplett's daughter, Tiffany Wilborn, was killed after police say she was stabbed in the chest by her boyfriend. Detectives have charged Charles Toyer with murder.

Triplett says Toyer had been abusive before.

"They got into an argument, and she went over to a place where he wasn't suppose to be. I guess she wanted her keys back, and he hit her in the face," Triplett says. "She came to us, and we told her ‘you need to get out of this.'"

Monday night, Tiffany's father says he got a call he never thought he would ever get. Investigators told him Tiffany was hurt, and her 5-year-old daughter witnessed the crime.

"She asked was her mama alright, and we paused for a moment, and her grandmother took her off the side and explained it to her. She shed her tears and got up the next morning, and she was a trooper about it," Triplett says.

He describes his daughter as a vibrant, outgoing young lady who had a lot to look forward to.

"Her smile, her beauty, her inner cares, she cared about everybody," he says. "No matter how bad it was, she saw the good in them."

Triplett is devastated he'll never get to see his daughter smile again. He says there is a lesson to be learned from the tragic violent crime.

"I feel that any man that [hurts] a woman, the woman does not need to be with him," he says. "It's as simply as that."

A fund has been set for Tiffany Wilborn. You can donate at any Fifth Third Bank.

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