Thursday, March 1, 2012

Oklahoma City, OK: OKC Police Still Investigating Double Murder, Suicide

OKLAHOMA CITY - The best friend of a woman police said was murdered by her husband says she so no sign of trouble in the marriage.
Police say Daniel Johnston killed his wife, Tara, and baby daughter, Allison, in their metro home then flew to Vegas and committed suicide.

Those closest to Tara Johnston say there was never any hint that something was wrong.

"I don't know what to do without my friend anymore," Christina Kalabic tearfully told News 9.

Kalabic was Tara Johnston's best friend.

"Tara was an amazing mother, she was funny and she was smart and she cared about everybody," said Kalabic.

Christina says the two friends talked or texted constantly. The last time Christina heard from Tara was around noon on Sunday.

So when Monday rolled around and Christina still hadn't heard from Tara, she posted a now ominous post on her Facebook page that read "If I don't hear from you soon I'm coming to check on you…."

And when numerous texts went unreturned a concerned Christina went to check on her friend and found the crime scene.

Police now say Tara's husband Daniel killed his wife and 16-month-old daughter.

"It's hard for me to talk bad about him, because I knew him as well and it's hard for me to say he was a bad guy because I really don't think he was."

Christina and Tara's family agree there were never any signs of trouble or abuse.

"There's no financial problems that we know of, no marriage problems," said Bill Lisby, Tara's uncle.

But police say they believe Dan acted alone and he alone may have the only answers as to why.

"I think that's what makes it even more hard is the fact that there was nothing. There was no sign," said Kalabic.

Christina says her heart tonight goes out to both Tara and Daniel's family.

Police are not releasing how the two died, but Tara's family tells News 9 Tara was shot to death.

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