Thursday, February 16, 2012

New York, NY: Suspect Killed In Subway Station Was Wanted For Shooting Girlfriend's Daughter In Head

Yesterday's shootout in a Hamilton Heights subway station left a veteran NYPD detective wounded and a suspect dead. Police say that Michael McBride, 52, was wanted for shooting his girlfriend's daughter in the head on Monday, and police had been surveilling him. Then, apparently realizing that he was being tailed, McBride ran into the West 145th Street subway station and then started firing.

The NY Times reports, "According to Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly, Mr. McBride, who was about 10 feet from the officers, emptied his revolver, hitting Detective Kevin Herlihy, 47, a plainclothes member of the Police Department’s warrant section, in the left biceps." Kelly said, "Detective Herlihy returned fire, striking McBride in the chest," and commended Herlihy for "good old-fashioned courage." Subway riders on the platform dodged the gunfire by "diving for safety behind benches and trash cans."

McBride managed to run up the subway station's exit at 145th and St. Nicholas Avenue, but then collapsed on the landing. He was pronounced dead at Harlem Hospital. McBride, who was found with a .22-caliber gun, was identified by his girlfriend's daughter as the man who shot her in the head—the 25-year-old woman remains in critical condition.

Herlihy, a 17-year veteran, was released from the hospital today. He said, "Thank you for all the support. I just want to spend time with my family," and said of the shooting itself, "It was just instinct more than anything."

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