Thursday, February 16, 2012

Danielson, CT: Trial in Pomfret stabbing death selects jurors

Danielson, Conn. — A cross-section of Eastern Connecticut residents took the witness stand in Danielson Superior Court Wednesday with jury selection under way for an upcoming murder trial.

From retiree to self-employed construction contractor, cafe owner to social worker, a mix of potential jurors were questioned by attorneys as part of the voir dire process for the trial of Timothy J. Quail Sr.

Quail, 48, is charged with murder in the 2009 stabbing death of his former girlfriend, Robin Cloutier, 38, at her Pomfret home.

In Connecticut, each potential juror is questioned as part of the voir dire process, while other states conduct a group voir dire. The exercise highlighted the difficulty in retaining people willing or able to serve in a trial that is expected to begin April 12 and continue into May.

Quail, in dress slacks and shirt with tie, listened quietly as his attorney, Mark E. Hauslaib, and state prosecutors Matthew Crockett and Patricia Froehlich, who is the Windham County state’s attorney, took turns asking questions.

Presumed innocent

Hauslaib asked one potential juror if she understood the definition of “presumption of innocence.”

“In a criminal case, the entire burden as you know, rests with the state of Connecticut,” Hauslaib said. “I, on the other hand, don’t have to prove anything. Do you think that’s fair? If I chose not to put Mr. Quail on the stand, would you hold that against him?”

Froehlich and Hauslaib agreed to dismiss several of the people — one was a woman with 1- and 5-year-old children at home, and another watched the clock and said he was thinking about the lunch crowd at his restaurant.

By the end of the day, the attorneys, under the guidance of Judge John D. Boland, agreed on five jurors of the 14 needed. Twelve jurors and two alternates are needed to complete the panel. Jury selection is expected to continue today.

A cross-section of Eastern Connecticut residents took the witness stand in Danielson Superior Court Wednesday with jury selection under way for an upcoming murder trial.

From retiree to self-employed construction contractor, cafe owner to social worker, a mix of potential jurors were questioned by attorneys as part of the voir dire process for the trial of Timothy J. Quail Sr.

Quail, 48, is charged with murder in the 2009 stabbing death of his former girlfriend, Robin Cloutier, 38, at her Pomfret home.

In Connecticut, each potential juror is questioned as part of the voir dire process, while other states conduct a group voir dire. The exercise highlighted the difficulty in retaining people willing or able to serve in a trial that is expected to begin April 12 and continue into May.

Quail, in dress slacks and shirt with tie, listened quietly as his attorney, Mark E. Hauslaib, and state prosecutors Matthew Crockett and Patricia Froehlich, who is the Windham County state’s attorney, took turns asking questions.

Presumed innocent

Hauslaib asked one potential juror if she understood the definition of “presumption of innocence.”

“In a criminal case, the entire burden as you know, rests with the state of Connecticut,” Hauslaib said. “I, on the other hand, don’t have to prove anything. Do you think that’s fair? If I chose not to put Mr. Quail on the stand, would you hold that against him?”

Froehlich and Hauslaib agreed to dismiss several of the people — one was a woman with 1- and 5-year-old children at home, and another watched the clock and said he was thinking about the lunch crowd at his restaurant.

By the end of the day, the attorneys, under the guidance of Judge John D. Boland, agreed on five jurors of the 14 needed. Twelve jurors and two alternates are needed to complete the panel. Jury selection is expected to continue today.

1 comment:

  1. I remember seeing Tim Quail stab a man in the hand at a bar in Enfield. The cops took him away after that one.
    Hopefully justice will finally be served.
