Friday, January 13, 2012

Janesville, WI: Homicide charges filed in death of Janesville woman

JANESVILLE — Murder suspect Michael Paul told police his right hand was bruised when a 300-pound man punched him in the face and stepped on him.

After the results of an autopsy conducted Wednesday, police say Paul, 36, of 326 S. Parker Drive, Janesville, bruised his hand when he beat to death his girlfriend, Lisa M. Schaefer, 49, same address.

Rock County prosecutors Thursday charged Paul with first-degree intentional homicide and hiding a corpse. Court Commissioner Stephen Meyer set Paul's bond at $200,000 cash. He is scheduled to be back in court Thursday, Jan. 19.

Here is what Paul and witnesses told police, according to the criminal complaint filed Thursday:

Saturday night

James Boldt hadn't talked to his friend Paul for five years. Around 9 p.m. Saturday, Paul left a Boldt a voicemail.

"I can't take it anymore," he said. "I'm either going to end up in jail, or she'll end up six foot under."

They'd been fighting a lot lately.

That's what Paul told his friend Steven Estep while the two watched football Saturday night. They were drinking beer and smoking marijuana, and Paul was complaining about his relationship.

Schaefer got home after 9 p.m. and proved Paul's point. She accused Paul and Estep of using cocaine. They started fighting. Estep was uncomfortable because of the arguing and left about 10 p.m.

The fight got worse. He went downstairs to watch TV, and Schaefer followed him, angry. He said she punched him, pulled his hair and slapped him on the side of his head.

He told her to stop it, he said.

They were standing face-to-face when Paul's hands and forearms flew up, hitting Schaefer under the chin, he later told police. She flew backward across the room and hit her head on the linoleum, he said.

She didn't move.

Paul went upstairs to have a beer.

Paul called Boldt again at 10 p.m. He was frantic and sounded drunk. He said he'd been fighting with Schaefer and lost it.

She was unconscious on the ground.

Is she breathing? Boldt asked.

Yes, Paul lied.

Have you both been drinking?


How long since you hit her?

About an hour ago.

Hang up and call 911 right away, Boldt said.

About 30 minutes after he had left, Estep came back to get his forgotten cell phone.

Paul was out of breath when he answered the door. He seemed anxious. Estep asked what he was so worked up about.

"S—- and crazy right now," Paul said. Or something like that, Estep thought.

Paul gave Estep his phone, and Estep left.

Paul called Boldt back and said the police were on their way.

"Please accept my collect calls. I love you brother," Paul said, but Boldt didn't talk to him.

Paul went upstairs and returned 15 minutes later to check on Schaefer. She didn't have a pulse. He was scared and didn't know what to do. He put her under the basement steps and covered her with a jacket, rags and clothes.

He went upstairs, had a beer and went to bed.


At 9:10 p.m. Sunday, a Janesville police officer was dispatched to 326 S. Parker Drive for a welfare check. Dawn Frank had called police from Milwaukee after she couldn't get a hold of her mom, Lisa Schaefer.

Schaefer had been having problems with her boyfriend, Frank said.

Paul told the officer he had not seen Schaefer all day. She had left around 10 the night before, he said.

Paul told the officer he had awakened at 2 a.m. Sunday to the sound of pounding on the door. When he opened it, a 6-foot, 3-inch tall, 300-pound man punched him in the face, Paul said. Paul fell, and the man stepped on Paul's hand. Schaefer and the man left in a white car, Paul told the officer.

The officer could see a cut on Paul's face and bruising on his right hand.


Paul talked to Boldt again. Paul said he had called police, who had been to the house. Later, Boldt talked to Schaefer's daughter Frank. He told her about the phone calls and that her mom had apparently been unconscious on the floor. Frank called police again.


At 2:03 p.m., Tuesday, police executed a search warrant at 326 S. Parker Drive. Paul was home.

Around 4 p.m., crime scene investigator Jeffery Jacoby found a small storage area under the basement stairs. Screens, panels and windows were blocking part of the storage area.

Jacoby shined his flashlight through the steps and found Schaefer.

Paul told police the story about watching football with Estep, fighting with Schaefer and Schaefer hitting him. He said he pushed her once and she hit her head. He told them about calling Boldt and about Estep coming back for his phone. He said he never actually called 911.

He told them about hiding Schaefer under the stairs.

She cost him his job, car and now his freedom, he said.

Nobody else was involved, Paul said.


During an autopsy Wednesday morning, a doctor found cuts and bruises on Schaefer's face. She had broken teeth, swelled-shut eyes and broken facial bones and ribs.

District Attorney David O'Leary said Thursday he believed Paul beat her to death.

The autopsy indicated she died as a result of a hemorrhaged artery at the base of her neck. The internal bleeding was caused by blunt trauma to the head and neck, the doctor said.


Resources are available if you need to leave a violent situation or want to help a friend.

Most advocacy websites warn readers to search the Web for help only from a safe computer. Sites also urge readers to call 911 if they are in immediate danger.

For more information in Rock County, contact:

-- The YWCA of Rock County. In Janesville, call (608) 752-2583. In Beloit, call (608) 365-1119. Visit Click on the "Find YWs" link, the "local associations" link and the state of Wisconsin on the map.

The YWCA has volunteer opportunities available and welcomes donations of cash and household items. Call (608) 752-5445.

-- The Domestic Violence Intervention Program, which provides programming for offenders. Call (608) 757-5677. Visit and click on the deferred prosecution link.

-- The Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Visit

-- The National Network to End Domestic Violence. Call the hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or TTY at 1-800-787-3224, or visit

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