Tuesday, December 13, 2011

York, PA: Print Email Font Resize Prosecutor: Local gang leader slain by fellow member in power struggle

Murder defendant Anthony Kareem Hayes killed the leader of his local Bloods gang in an effort to take control of the gang, chief deputy prosecutor Karen Comery said.
Trial began Monday afternoon for Hayes, 26, formerly of Newark, N.J. He is charged with first- and third-degree murder.
York City Police allege Hayes fatally stabbed Kenneth C. Ramos Jr., who was supposedly friends with Hayes, on Sept. 26, 2009, in the 100 block of East Maple Street.
Ramos, 20, of York City, died from a stab wound to his neck, police said.
The two men belonged to the Valentine subset of the Bloods, and Ramos was the leader of the Valentines, according to Comery.
"(Ramos) was killed because (Hayes) was tired of taking orders from him and wanted

Kenneth Ramos Jr.
to be the leader of the Valentines," she said. "He was tired of getting bossed around."
Jurors heard the prosecution's theory of the case Monday afternoon during Comery's opening statement.
Defense attorney Lori Yost did not make an opening statement. She later declined comment about the case.
Threats alleged: Testifying Monday for the prosecution was Maria Lopez, who knew Ramos and Hayes, and also knew Jamel D. McMillan, who was with Ramos and Hayes that night.
Lopez told jurors that after Ramos was killed, Hayes began calling her frequently.
"He was calling me basically every night," she said, asking questions about what people knew about the slaying.
During one of those calls Hayes told her, "You're trying to find out too much information," Lopez testified.
Lopez also told jurors Hayes threatened her family.
She told jurors Hayes later said, "You know too much information. It's time for you and your kids to die."
Lopez testified she took her children to The Lehman Center, which has offered residential crisis care for young children, as well as classes and counseling, for more than 20 years.
Left town: Her two children stayed at The Lehman Center for about a week, until she received a bus ticket from her father in Florida, Lopez testified. She and the children then went to Florida, she said.
Hayes is charged with intimidating a prosecution witness in the homicide case -- but not Lopez. Instead, he's accused of intimidating his own ex-girlfriend, according to Comery, who said Hayes will be tried separately on that charge.
Comery said Tuesday's witnesses are expected to include Hayes' ex-girlfriend, as well as McMillan.
The ex-girlfriend told police Hayes confessed to her, according to Comery.

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