Monday, December 12, 2011

Oakland, CA: Laney student killed

Laney culinary arts student Norris Lewis, 28, was stabbed to death by his ex-girlfriend, Geneva Dixon, 20, on Nov. 22. "Lewis was trying to attack (Dixon) when she got a knife from another room and stabbed him," stated OPD Officer Phong Tran as quoted in the Oakland Tribune.

Dixon then called police and waited for the arrival of the officers, who arrested her, the Tribune article said. Lewis was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police said the two have known each other since Dixon was 14 and throughout those years had a child together. Police also said the two have had conflicts in the past and that she tried to end their relationship on Nov. 21. Murder charges were filed by Alameda County District Attorney's Office against Dixon and she is currently being held without bail.

This version of events seemed false to family and friends of Norris who were shocked by Dixon's allegations. Close friends of Norris, who wanted to remain anonymous, offered personal information about his life.

They said Norris decided to change his life for himself and his children by furthering his education at Laney and pursuing his dream in culinary arts. Some who were closest to Norris said he was no longer with Dixon because she had caused him problems in the past.

"I knew Norris as a very respectable young man who was a great student," said Jackie Trotter, Culinary Arts Department instructor's assistant. He will be greatly missed."

Another instructor's assistant, Darryl Nichols, was astonished by the news of Lewis's death. "He was to me a very educated and respectable young man. He was clean-cut and it looked like he was doing a lot of things and going somewhere in life."

Many people described Norris as an uplifting person who always smiled and had something good to say to brighten your day. Several people recalled many good times spent with Norris.

Two candle light memorials were held in his honor, one hosted by his family near his house on Crosby on the night of this death and another hosted by his fellow students in front of Laney College on Dec. 1.

Many who knew him are left to mourn and some have yet to obtain closure. And perhaps the saddest part is while the family tries to battle the memory of this tragedy, they are left in tears wondering how they will pay for the funeral.

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