Saturday, December 10, 2011

Longview, TX: Longview man dead after domestic violence calls

LONGVIEW (KYTX) -- Police say a man is stabbed to death at the hands of wife. Investigators believe it may have been a tragic ending to a case of domestic violence.

police say they had been to this home before for domestic violence.Longview police tell us they recieved three calls last night and early this morning. When officers arrived the first time the husband, Ray Jacobs, had left the home. They say the second time the couple promised to stop fighting. When officers showed up the third time, 40 year old Ray Jacobs, was dead.

Police tell us they found Jacobs stabbed multiple times and lying outside the family's home on Oden street. Today his son told our reporter, off camera, his family is trying to deal with what happened.

Police did not arrest Jacobs' wife, and they're not releasing her name. "At this point its still under investigation. There are some things that of course we'd have to look at including self defense," says public information officer Kristie Brian.

Police tell us that Jacob's wife is the one who called 911. They also say officers have been called to the home for domestic disturbances several times in the past.

Longview police tell us once their investigation is complete they will send the case over to a grand jury to review.

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