Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Girard, OH: Couple Had Rocky Past Before Assault, Standoff

The marriage between Danielle and Keith Jornigan turned rocky shortly after it began in July of 2007.

Before they celebrated their first anniversary, she filed a police report saying she thought he was trying to kill her by putting prescription drugs in her food. More problems for the couple followed and three weeks ago, they separated again.

On Monday, Keith Jornigan is alleged to have beat Danielle with a bat and shot her with a bow and arrow at her Bristol home before killing himself during a standoff with police at his relative's home in Girard.

Police said the one bright spot in this tragic event is the victim, Danielle, is recovering. She remains in the hospital, but police said she is improving.

"When I heard the extent of her injuries when we first got the call, I was figuring the worst. The fact she pulled through, strong woman, very strong woman," said Trumbull County Sheriff Tom Altiere.

A family member said Danielle is in good spirits and that she had to play dead in order to convince her estranged husband to quit beating her.

Domestic violence victim advocates praise Danielle for doing everything she needed to do to survive the tragic ordeal and they encourage all victims to get help as soon as possible.

"Lethality increases significantly when a victim leaves an abusive situation, and that is something to think about, and make sure a safety plan is in place and the police department comes in a very high need," said Cheryl Tarantino, director of Someplace Safe, Trumbull County's only domestic violence shelter.

Danielle's brother said when she is released she would like to start working at a domestic violence shelter to help others in similar situations.

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