Thursday, November 17, 2011

Whiteville, NC: Columbus Co. woman pleads guilty to killing her boyfriend

WHITEVILLE, NC (NEWS RELEASE) -- On November 10, 2011 Mattie Kelly plead guilty to 2nd Degree Murder and 1st Degree Burglary in Columbus County, North Carolina.

Ms. Kelly received a sentence of 314-472 months in the Department of Corrections.

This plea is a result of a crime that occurred on August 6, 2010 in Chadbourn, North Carolina. On August 8,
2010, Officer Jeremy Lewis with the Chadbourn Police Department was patrolling South Brown Street around
4:45 a.m. While patrolling, Officer Lewis saw a black female standing on the sidewalk flagging him down.
Officer Lewis stopped his vehicle and approached the female, Mattie Kelly. At that time, Ms. Kelly told the
officer that she had just killed her boyfriend. Ms. Kelly then told the officer the name of her boyfriend, Edward Jerome Jackson, and the location of his body.

Officer Lewis remained with Ms. Kelly while other officers responded to the address given by Ms. Kelly. The
officers responding to the victim’s home found Edward Jerome Jackson deceased in the location given by Ms.
Kelly. During an interview with officers, Ms. Kelly admitted to killing Mr. Jackson with a hatchet in his home on August 6, 2010. Ms. Kelly also informed the officers of the location of the murder weapon.

This case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Chris Gentry.

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