Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Oklahoma City, OK: Names of Oklahoma City murder-suicide victims released

The names of two Oklahoma City people found dead have been released by police. Their bodies
were found Monday in a house on NW 11.
PXblished: NoYember 2, 2011
An Oklahoma City man shot his wife at close range before putting the gun in his mouth
and pulling the trigger, the state medical examiner ruled Tuesday.
Thongdy Chansombath, 48, and Phonephet Chansombath, 52, both of Oklahoma City,
died in a murder-suicide, police said Tuesday.
Their bodies were found Monday afternoon.
The medical examiner's ruling confirmed police suspicions that Phonephet Chansombath
shot his wife at their home at 1841 NW 11 and then shot himself.
Bouavongkham Phanthala, a pastor at Trinity Baptist Church at NW 23 and Douglas
Avenue, went to the scene Monday night. He said a neighbor called him and told him
police were outside the home.
Phanthala said Phonephet Chansombath was a deacon in the church, and he has
attended church with the family for more than 30 years.
³The husband is a good man. Everybody loves him in the church. He has a lot of
friends,´ Phanthala said. He said the couple have two adult daughters.

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