Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dauphin, PA: Coroner released information on murder-suicide

The Dauphin County Coroner is releasing more information about a murder-suicide that happened last week.

Monday, he talked about the circumstances leading up to the tragedy and how the father and daughter died.

The Dauphin County Coroner said family conflict and possibly an argument between husband and wife, lead to the death of a man and his 16-year-old daughter.

“It is not uncommon over the holiday season for events like this to increase,” lamented Coroner Graham Hetrick.

Dauphin County Coroner Graham Hetrick announced Monday, the results of autopsies performed on 35-year-old Timothy Jarmuzek and his daughter, 16 year old Taysia Jarmuzek.

“She suffered a close range gunshot wound to the head,” Hetrick announced. “Then after doing that Timothy left the daughter's room, went over into his own bedroom area and placed the gun to his head and killed himself.”

Hetrick says there are other children in the Jarmuzek family but he couldn't confirm whether they were inside their Swatara Township home when the incident happened. It's a tragedy he says could be tied to Timothy's psychological problems and a fight he had had earlier with his wife.

“I know both the Deputy Coroner and everybody here is very saddened by the event, the fact that this 16-year-old girl's life is now lost because of family conflict is sad,” concluded Hetrick.

A Dauphin County community is in shock Saturday as they deal with a murder-suicide in their neighborhood and the loss of two people. Swatara Township Police would only say that the victims are related and that one of them is a juvenile.
But neighbors, who know the family well and other police sources tell CBS 21 that they believe a father shot his 16 year old daughter. People who know the teen victim say she is 16-year-old Taysia Jarmuzek.

Taysia Jarmuzek is smiling in almost every Facebook photo. But her longtime friends say it was a mask, covering up her troubled home life.

" You could look at Taysia and tell something was happening. She hid it from people," said Jayron Nesbit, Taysia's friend.

Jayron Nesbit has been friends with Taysia since the fourth grade. Saturday, he mourned her death. Swatara Township Police say that around 9:30 Friday night, they arrived to a home at Kristy Lane for a report of a possible suicide. Inside the home they found two victims, who they say are related. One of them is a juvenile.

" I knew her since they were little. She used to live in our complex down the street," said Maria Ramirez-Dennis, victim's friend.

Maria says Taysia's parents had marriage troubles and calls her father controlling.

" I always kind of stayed away from him for some reason. The look on his face, I just didn't trust it," said Maria.

Taysia's friends have a hard time saying goodbye. Jasmine Barber placed a teddy bear near the door of Taysia's home. It's the same bear that Taysia gave Jasmine for her birthday.

" I felt like I was lost you know? I don't know what to do, because she was my best friend you know?" said Jasmine Barber, Taysia's friend.

Taysia Jarmuzek attended Central Dauphin East High School.

The Dauphin County Coroner says he will release more information about the murder-suicide investigation Monday.

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