Thursday, October 20, 2011

Queens, NY: Queens Woman Stabbed To Death, Police Searching For Ex-Boyfriend

A Far Rockaway woman was stabbed to death early this morning, and police are now hunting for the woman's ex-boyfriend. Police believe that Charlie Mitchell, 53, is responsible for killing the woman, who is described as in her 50s, as well as stabbing the woman's 15-year-old daughter in the face. And neighbors say the couple, who broke up about a month ago, had an abusive relationship in the past: "He beat her up about two or three months ago. Her whole eyes were all black, and she had to wear sunglasses. It's scary. I have a granddaughter," one neighbor told the News.
Neighbor Adelaida Roman also told the News that Mitchell had beaten the victim before, and had assaulted her other, pregnant 16-year-old daughter. Officials are trying to determine if the victim was sexually assaulted, and whether the 15-year-old were trying to thwart her mother's attack or if she were attacked outright after the stabbing. Yet another neighbor said that she thinks it was the former: "She tried to get help, but it was too late."
It seems the victim had gotten police involved in their disputes in the past; Roman says the victim had a soft spot for Mitchell, and kept letting him back into her life ever after they'd break up. "She let him in over and over,'' Roman said. "And now she's dead." Another neighbor added that police warned her about Mitchell: "[Detectives] said, 'Don't approach him. He's dangerous, so if you see him, call 911.'"

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