Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chesapeake, VA: Kitten allegedly killed in rage

CHESAPEAKE— A single mother witnesses the senseless beating and killing of a kitten after she says her boyfriend boiled over in rage.

"He twisted its head around and then threw it in the woods," she says.

The woman, who asked we not show her face and change her voice in fear of retaliation, says her ex-boyfriend was loading up his truck to go home last week. He put his kitten inside, and went back in the home to grab a pair of shoes.

When he returned, the truck was locked, and the kitten instantly became the scapegoat.

"Started talking about how he was going to kill it, how he was going to snap its neck and how he wanted the cat to unlock the vehicle for him. So he would be yelling into the car, unlock it, come unlock it," she says.

AAA unlocked the truck, and the woman thought everything would be okay, but says the man took the kitten into the backyard.

Through a crack in the fence, the woman says saw every horrific blow against the cat.

"He stomped on it because it was jerking. Reached out and twisted its head around all the way and then he threw it in the woods," she said.

"He had about a half hour to think about what he was going to do so he knew what he was going to do and he was doing it on purpose and that was shocking," she says.

The woman rushed inside her home, shaking, and locked every door.

"If he's obviously snapped over the edge to kill an animal what's he going to do to me. So I locked all my doors and tried to keep him as far away from me as possible."

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