Friday, October 7, 2011

Article: Senator Clark Bill Aims to Protect Victims of Domestic Violence

Note: The following is an announcement from the office of State Senator Katherine Clark.

Senator Katherine Clark joined advocates to speak on behalf of her legislation that aims to protect domestic violence victims. Members on the Joint Committee on the Judiciary heard testimony onSenate Bill 682—An Act relative to domestic violence & animals that would allow pets to be included in restraining orders and allows the court to order the defendant to refrain from abusing, threatening or disposing of the animal.

“In many cases an abuser will threaten a beloved family pet as a way to manipulate a victim of domestic violence,” said Senator Clark. “This legislation will extend protections to family pets and take away a major control mechanism of abusers.”

Advocates filled the State House hearing room to speak on behalf of this legislation. Melinda Thomas of Holyoke talked about her two beloved pets, a beagle named Yassa and a tabby cat named Rose, who were decapitated, killed, and left on her bed by her husband. She and her 9-year-old daughter were protected under a restraining order, but the pets were not included.

“My daughter and I endured years of abuse and regarded Yassa and Rose as cherished family members. In many cases their presence was a healing anecdote to the physical and mental cruelty perpetrated by my husband,” said Thomas

A study by the American Humane Association shows that nearly half of battered women delay leaving an abusive environment because they fear for a pet’s safety. The MSPCA stresses that animal battering should be taken seriously because it is often linked to child abuse. A MSPCA-Angell/Northeastern University study found that people who abuse animals are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against people. The threatening, injuring or killing of an animal can also indicate the potential for increased violence and lethality.

According to Former Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Juvenile Court Martha Grace, “there are many of my former colleagues on the bench who feel that absent express authority to add pets to temporary orders, they would not do so. I favor clarifying what may be ambiguous in the current law.”

Each year more than 3 million women across the country are victims of domestic violence, making it the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44. In the United States, a woman is assaulted or beaten every 9 seconds. Among women seeking a safe shelter, 85 percent also reported pet abuse in their home.

In recent years, other states have begun to tackle this issue. 17 other states, including Maine, Connecticut and Vermont, have passed laws that specifically include animals in protective orders.

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