Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wichita, KS: Valley Center woman was strangled in south Wichita, police say

The Wichita Eagle
A Valley Center woman was strangled to death in her boyfriend's bedroom in south Wichita over the weekend, police said Monday.
Dana Arnold, 46, was pronounced dead at a fourplex in the 800 block of South Beverly, near Lincoln and Edgemoor, Lt. Ken Landwehr said.
Her boyfriend called 911 shortly before 11 a.m. Saturday, and he was arrested on suspicion of first-degree murder after being questioned.
"No one else was at the residence at the time," Landwehr said.
Police aren't sure yet when Arnold was killed, he said.
"She was last heard from on Friday morning," he said.
Arnold's three children, who range in age from 12 to 18, were with her husband in Valley Center. She was separated from her husband and had been dating her boyfriend off and on for about two years, Landwehr said.
"We have no motive," he said. "We don't know what would have occurred" to precipitate the killing.

1 comment:

  1. Stupid. If not here, he'll pay when his croak'n time comes -IF- he doesn't repent (Jesus has mercy on anyone who's humble enough to seek forgiveness). But, yet, I seriously doubt he will, prooo'bly living for the world and how many lays he can find before death. God bless botha youse. Meet me Upstairs, miss girly, where I'll be your eternal servant. That's life, huh? a lotta MEN! don't have the #@!! bawls to live for the vertical. Only the whorizontal.
