Friday, September 16, 2011

San Diego, CA: Ex-Sheriff's Deputy Investigated In Wife's Death

Kenny Garcia Has Not Been Arrested Or Charged In Death Of Vicki Garcia

POSTED: 2:25 pm PDT September 15, 2011
UPDATED: 4:42 pm PDT September 15, 2011

SAN DIEGO -- A former San Diego County Sheriff's Department deputy is under investigation over his possible role in the death of his wife.
On Wednesday, 10News tracked down Kenny Garcia at his Imperial Beach condo, where he faced some tough questions.
Garcia has not been arrested or charged in last week's death of his wife, Vicki. 10News reporter John Carroll asked Garcia why he thought investigators searched his condo for hours last Wednesday.

"Do you have anything to say about that?" Carroll asked.
"No, not at this time," Garcia answered.
Carroll asked Garcia if he had anything to do with his wife's death. He responded that his focus now was her funeral.
"No, I'm just ready to fly back to Indiana to hold a memorial service. I'll be on the first flight out tomorrow," Garcia said.
10News obtained a search warrant that showed the items investigators removed from the Garcia condo. The search warrant referenced neighbors who said they had heard loud arguments coming from the condo.
Neighbor Jeanette Ortiz said, "It was very loud and very mean … Just name calling, you know, just bad words and ‘shut up' and whatever."
Included on the list of items investigators removed were two cell phones, a left flip flop, a Bacardi bottle and a Coke bottle.
Garcia said he found his wife at the bottom of the stairs in their condo. He told investigators Vicki had purchased a large amount of alcohol and had been drinking since the previous day.
However, Ortiz told 10News she had offered Vicki alcohol on numerous social occasions and that she always said she didn't drink.
10News learned that Garcia has been in trouble with the law before. Since leaving the sheriff's department, Garcia has had multiple arrests, with his last being felony violence of some kind against Vicki in May 2011.
10News tried several times to reach the sheriff's department for a comment and information on when Garcia had been a deputy, when he left and under what circumstances.
However, a sheriff's official 10News was referred to did not return phone calls.

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