Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Meridan, ID: AG: Murder suspect Robert Hall violated his no contact order with wife Kandi Hall 18 times

By Patrick Orr - porr@idahostatesman.com
Published: 09/13/11

Robert Hall won't face death penalty in Meridian attorney's death
Meridian murder suspect Robert Dean Hall indicted by Ada County grand jury
Restrictions placed on freed murder suspect Robert Hall
How unusual is it for a first-degree murder suspect to be released on bond in Ada County? Less unusual than you may think.
Shooter lay in wait Friday for wife, her boss in Meridian
Murder suspect Robert Dean Hall will find out Wednesday if he will have to go back to jail for violating a no-contact order with this wife, Kandi Hall, who Meridian police and prosecutors say is the only witness to her husband shooting and killing her boss in a Walgreen’s parking lot last spring.
Robert Hall is charged with first degree murder for the shooting death of Emmett Corrigan March 11. Police say Robert Hall shot and killed Corrigan in front of Kandi Hall that night because he suspected they were having an affair, according to court records.
Robert Hall’s jury trial on the murder charge is scheduled to begin May 7, 2012, in front of 4th District Judge Michael McLaughlin.
Robert Hall is out of jail on a $1 million bond - wearing an electronic monitoring bracelet and given strict instructions not to even attempt to contact his wife.
Robert Hall surprised the officials involved when he posted bond in late March. At the time, prosecutors with the Idaho attorney general's office, who are handling the case for Ada County, had not asked for any conditions on the bond. So Hall moved back in with his wife and family in their suburban Meridian home - until an order was issued days later.
In April, Kandi Hall asked McLaughlin if she could have contact with Robert Hall several times a week, asking he be allowed to attend church with her, go to athletic contests for their children, have three phone calls a week where they were only allowed to talk about their kids, and have a family dinner on Sunday.
All those requests were denied and the full no-contact order has not been changed. Since they, prosecutors say Robert Hall has violated that no contact order 18 times and filed a motion to in early September to revoke his bond.
McLaughlin will have a hearing on the motion Wednesday.
Prosecutor Melissa Moody said in court earlier this spring there is evidence the relationship between the Halls was in turmoil when Corrigan was shot. Corrigan and Kandi Hall met with a public defender hours before the shooting so she could ask about how to get a protection order against her husband and how to file for divorce, Moody said.

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