Thursday, September 8, 2011

Irondale, AL: Birmingham officer kills wife, then self

IRONDALE, Ala. (WIAT) - "Unfortunately we don't know what was going on in his life, and we may never know what was going on in his life to make him do this," explains Detective Michael Mangina.
Mangina says Irondale police received the call around 3 Wednesday morning.

A Birmingham police officer, 41 year old Rodney Jerome Wilson, said he had shot his wife, and before they could respond, police say Wilson killed himself.

"It was very difficult, and I'm sure it was more difficult for the Birmingham officers who were there, because this is a brother officer and he was a detective, and from what I understand, he was well liked and highly thought of."

Detective Mangina would not comment about a history of violence between the couple. At this point their main concern is making sure the children are safe.

"This was pretty traumatic for them, and we're going to make sure that they are with caring family, and just make sure the kids are alright," says Mangina.

Police are also talking with family members to see if they can shine a light on whatever it is that led to this outcome.

Wilson is believed to have worked in Birmingham's burglary unit.

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