Saturday, August 13, 2011

Winthrop, MA: Winthrop man accused of murder held

BOSTON -- A Winthrop man is facing a judge, accused of murdering a man and dumping the body underneath a porch. The body was there for days before the stench brought police to the area.
Neighbors knew something didn’t smell right on Winthrop Street.
“It was disgusting. It was the most horrific smell you could ever imagine,” said a resident.
After weeks, that foul smelling odor only got worse, and neighbors finally called police. When officers arrived they found a body underneath a porch. It was so badly decomposed that it couldn’t be identified.
Immediately neighbors feared the worst.
“Maybe the murderer is still walking around and we don’t know…there’s children around here…it’s a terrible thing,” said a resident.
Investigators say it was in fact murder, and charged 47-year-old John Lacoy with the man’s death. Prosecutors claimed Lacoy and the victim had a romantic and volatile relationship. The victim’s family told police they hadn’t spoken to their loved one since July 25th.
“The defendant spoke to another friend and admitted to him that he had had a fight with the deceased. It was physical and he had stabbed him with a steak knife in the stomach. He said that he hurt him bed, didn’t know if he had killed him, and then after that he fled,” said prosecutors.
According to defense lawyers, this was a violent struggle in the bedroom and that it was self-defense.
People who live on the street were more disgusted by the news than the horrible smell that brought police there.
“This isn’t the type of neighborhood that this happens in,” said a resident.
In court, prosecutors said that Lacoy called a friend to say that he was at Revere Beach with the deceased and that the victim actually drowned. Police say they later got some sort of confession from Lacoy pertaining to the steak knife he used.
Lacoy is being held without bail.

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