Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sacramento, CA: Amber Alert Deaths Determined as Most Likely Murder-Suicide

The cause of death of a Citrus Heights man and his two-year-old daughter remains a mystery pending an autopsy, but the Sheriff's Department confirmed Monday evening that their investigation suggests it was most likely a murder-suicide.

49-year-old Mourad Samaan and his daughter Madeline were found Saturday night in his car near Placerville. Authorities had put out an Amber Alert believing that Madeline was at risk of harm at the hands of Samaan.

Samaan's brother Nabil Samaan said it was a bitter custody battle with Mourad's ex-wife Marcia Fay that caused his brother to break under the stress.

"He couldn't hold his baby. She tried to prevent him from holdingthe baby when it was born. It's been a battle for 3 years," said Nabil Samaan.

He blames the court system for taking away visiting rights even though Mourad, also known as "Moni", was a great dad.

Nabil, who is a lawyer, says Fay and her attorney hounded Moni with frivilous court motions and that she was finally given full custody. Nabil says his brother was showing his love for Madeline by standing up for his rights.

"I'm glad he did it. I'm proud of him. Now he's at peace and she's at peace," said Nabil.
But court records show that Moni was ordered to take anger management classes and that sheriff's deputies were called in July when he was reluctant to turn Madeline over during a visit.

But Women Escaping A Violent Environment sees things differently. "It's about power over their victim," said WEAVE Executive Director Beth Hassett in describing classic domestic abusers.

Hassett said abusers often take violent action when there's a change in the relationship.

"Whether the woman chooses to leave, a divorce becomes final, custody changes...these are very dangerous times," said Hassett.

Hassett says domestic relationships are very confusing because nobody knows what happens behind closed doors.

But everyone can agree that it's a tragedy when an innocent two year old girl is killed needlessly.

1 comment:

  1. "I'm glad he did it" - you've got to be f'n kidding me.
