Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Louisville, KY: Police say murder suspect wanted relationship with victim's wife

LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) – An African immigrant was shot and killed Monday afternoon in a west Louisville public housing complex and police say the suspect wanted a relationship with the victim's wife.

Police say the victim's wife was never interested in a relationship with Jason Majors, who is now wanted for the murder of 36-year-old Karenzo Audace.

Audace died right outside of his home from multiple gunshot wounds.

"They took his life and robbed a family of a husband and a father of two young girls and one young boy," said Christopher 2X, a community activist.

The victim's wife, who does not want her identity known, says Majors lived near the family in the Park Hill housing complex in the 1600 block of Moore Court. Through a translator, Audace's wife says Majors has harassed and bothered her for months.

"Whenever he would see my husband absent, whether he was at work or church, he would come knocking at my door and I kept quiet because I was frightened," she said.

2X says she lived in fear of her life. Last week police were called after she said he would not leave her alone. When officers showed up to help, they say Majors did not cooperate.

"Mr. Majors was arrested for disorderly conduct and fleeing and evading police," said Lt. Barry Wilkerson, commander of the Louisville Metro Police homicide squad.

An arrest report shows officers felt Majors was a danger to the Park Hill community. He was taken to jail, but released a day later.

"She went to the housing authority to ask if they could transfer her to another place," said 2X.

On Monday afternoon, Audace was in the middle of packing up to move.

"He only wanted one thing," said 2X. "He wanted to secure his family a safe place in America to start a new life. They had all left central Africa in 2008 to come here to Louisville, Kentucky and he thought he had that."

Audace was employed at the Brown Hotel and very involved in Christian ministries.

If you have any information about Jason Majors, call the LMPD Crime Tip Line at 574-LMPD (5673). All calls to the tip line are anonymous.

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