Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hardin County, TX: Update: Grand jury indicts boyfriend in woman's death

HARDIN COUNTY - The Hardin County grand jury took up another high profile case Tuesday: the death of a woman and a new charge against her boyfriend.

Clinton West, 29, of Lumberton, was in court with his attorney, Bruce Smith, asking a judge to reduce his bond for a Manslaughter indictment.

At the same time the hearing was taking place before Judge Steve Thomas, the grand jury was meeting and indicting West on a murder charge for the death of Nicole Janca.

West told investigators his girlfriend jumped from his car while they were arguing last November. She died.

Janca's family has always disputed West's version of what happened.

The D.A. believes the facts and evidence presented to the grand jury show it was murder.

"Testimony that's been received in which two witnesses stated Mr. West intentionally shoved Ms. Janca from a moving vehicle which killed her, that was an intentional act as opposed to a reckless act," said District Attorney David Sheffield.

"I want the truth of what happened to her, and if anyone else is involved or if it was intentional, for justice to be served," said Frances Janca, Nicole's mother.

KFDM News spoke with Clinton West's attorney before the grand jury indictment for murder.

Bruce Smith said the grand jury shouldn't indict his client for murder because Smith believes there's not sufficient evidence to indicate the offense was anything but a case of recklessness.

1 comment:

  1. We got no justice , there is so much the public do not know...and more people involved in nicoles death, there has been a great injustice here in this. Corrupt text messages to her phone from deputy, meeting he called day before depositions at his home , and everything being deleted off her phone while in evidence......that they say was due to the battery dying, and they still have the phone ....and refuse to release it . Some other things never found and people moving forward , still they do nothing ! I will never give up on true justice toall involved in her death ....please visit justice for nicole Janca
