Thursday, August 4, 2011

Article: Senator Squadron Encourages Passage of Domestic Violence Bill

State Senator Daniel Squadron cited statistics released today - that show a more than 12 percent increase in domestic violence cases in New York City - in his call for action on a recently introduced domestic violence bill.

"Today's report on rising domestic violence must be a call to action," he said.

The bill, introduced by Squadron in the State Senate in June, would strengthen the current domestic violence laws by establishing "aggravated domestic violence" as a felony crime for abusers who commit two or more offenses within five years.

"Give law enforcement the tools they need to protect victims and families from this horrific trend now," said Squadron.

The bill is dedicated to Officer Alain Schaberger, who was killed in Boerum Hill in March responding to a domestic violence call involving a career criminal with repeated domestic violence arrests on record.

"Because of domestic violence our son is dead," Schaberger's father Paul Schaberger said in June. "Something needs to be done."

Under the current law, only abusers who kill their victims or cause serious physical injury face felony charges, and those who repeatedly commit domestic violence offenses can only be charged with a misdemeanor, which puts them back on the streets.

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