Thursday, August 25, 2011

Article: Domestic violence advocates promote new iPhone app for parents

MONROE, OH (FOX19) - A new iPhone app is giving parents the tools to teach their kids about dating violence.

Jim and Elsa Croucher of Monroe are using the app to educate other parents about dating abuse.

"If we had, had that 17 years ago, maybe we would have known," said Jim Croucher.

Their daughter, Tina Croucher, was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in 1992 when she was just 18.

"We had no idea what domestic violence was," Croucher said.

Since then, the couple has made it their mission to promote dating abuse awareness in local schools.

"It will make them more aware of what goes on between the teenagers," said Tina Croucher.

The free app launched by Liz Claiborne Inc. is called "Love is not Abuse." It has a digital dating abuse simulator that sends menacing text message and emails, allowing parents to experience abusive behavior for themselves, it also provides tips from top experts.

"This is information that parents have right on their iPhone," Croucher said.

"Hopefully they will begin to discuss these situations, just like they discuss alcohol and drug abuse," said Tina Croucher.

They're pushing for parents to download the free app on the heels of the recent death of Amanda Borsos who was shot and killed by her ex boyfriend before he turned the gun on himself.

You can download the Love is not Abuse app on iTunes or the iPhone app store.

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