Monday, July 18, 2011

Tucson, AZ: East Side community remembers a friend who killed wife and self

TUCSON, AZ (KOLD) – A memorial service honoring a man who killed his wife and then turn the gun on himself went forward despite opposition of some of the residents in one East side neighborhood.

Residents of Colonia Verde were divided on the issue but the private service for Jeffery Jester, or JJ as his friends and loved ones called him was held at the Colonia Verde Clubhouse Sunday afternoon.

Jester is believed to have killed his wife right before shooting himself inside their home back in June.

The majority of the people who attended the memorial were residents of Colonia Verde where Jester worked as a property manager for 17 years.

Some describe him as a hard worker, always available 24/7. One resident even went as far as saying he trusted him with this life.

But as his friends remembered Jester's accomplishments, there are others in the community who do not agree with the memorial taking place in the neighborhood.

Mike Zonnefeld, who attended the memorial says those critical of the service may not realize how loved Jester was.

"I think a lot of them need to recognize JJ was a pretty tremendous individual. He didn't have an enemy in the world that I knew of. He was very much a humanitarian and like all of us, some of us reached a breaking point and apparently JJ reached his breaking point and overreacted obviously. A lot of us are so shocked. It's so unlike him to do this kind of thing," he says.

Residents tell KOLD New 13, Jester was battling depression and had complained about the medication he was on. They also say he had a stressful home situation with his wife but no one ever imagined what took place behind closed doors.

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