Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Midland, MI: Midland murder victim, suspect were romantically involved

Posted: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 5:31 pm
The woman and man at the center of Monday night’s fatal shooting have a heated history, according to court documents.
The telling documents are in a personal protection order granted to protect shooting victim Brian Lynn Reichow, 67, Midland, from the woman charged with open murder in connection with his killing, Rachel Marie Moore, 39, Sanford. The pair were involved in a romantic relationship and lived together for a short time, according to documents written by each in the court file.
Reichow requested the protection order in February, citing physical violence toward him by Moore. He also filed copies of e-mails sent to him by her, one of which states “die die die.”
In March, Moore asked for the protection order to be terminated, but Midland County Circuit Court Judge Jonathan E. Lauderbach denied the request. “I know that the letters than Brian enclosed are bad but I am not a threat of going to kill him,” she wrote.
Reichow asked for the protection order to be dropped in the beginning of June, and Lauderbach granted that request on June 17.
Reichow was killed in the shooting that occurred at about 7 p.m. Monday outside the Burger King at 6730 Eastman Ave., in front of the Midland Mall.
Moore was arraigned on the charge this afternoon, and Midland County District Court Judge Stephen P. Carras denied bond. Open murder is punishable by up to life in prison.
When given the chance to address the bond, after first being warned not to say anything about the circumstances that brought her to jail, Moore said she has two young sons, ages 5 and 12, who are with their fathers and she wanted to make sure her sons have the things they need. She also asked to be able to pack up her belongings from the house she rents.
“I’m going to get railroaded here, I can tell,” Moore said in court.
Moore was granted a court appointed attorney.
A preliminary hearing will be set for a future date.

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