Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cass Lake, MN: Cass Lake man indicted for first-degree murder

Cass County grand jury delivers first-degree murder indictment in slaying of Kandace Dunn.
By: News Tribune staff, Duluth News Tribune

Homicide charges against a 27-year-old Cass Lake man have been upgraded to first-degree murder.

Ross Z. Littlewolf had been charged with second-degree intentional murder in the shooting death June 26 of his ex-girlfriend, Kandace B. Dunn, 22. But a grand jury on Thursday indicted Littlewolf for first-degree premeditated murder which carries a mandatory life sentence without parole. In Minnesota, only a grand jury can charge defendants with first-degree murder.

According to the criminal complaint previously filed:

Littlewolf broke into Dunn’s Cass Lake home shortly before 3 a.m. by firing a shotgun through a sliding glass door. Dunn was sleeping in a room with her two small children, one of whom was Littlewolf’s child. Littlewolf shot Dunn in the head, then went to another bedroom where an adult couple had been sleeping and pointed the shotgun at them. He told them to take care of the children, ages 3 and 6, and left, the complaint alleged.

The indictment also charges Littlewolf with second-degree intentional murder, three counts of first-degree burglary, and two counts of second-degree assault with a dangerous weapon, according to the Cass County Attorney’s Office.

Littlewolf made his first appearance on the indictment in Cass County District Court on Friday. Bail remains at $750,000 or $500,000 with conditions. He’s scheduled to appear again in court on Aug. 31.

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