Saturday, July 9, 2011

Canton, GA: Police: Financial Problems Preceded Canton Murder-Suicide

Behind on bills, a young couple was scheduled to move out of the Alexander Ridge apartments today or Saturday with their 2-year-old son. Police found all of them dead this morning.
By Rodney Thrash | Email the author | July 8, 2011

Today wasn't the first time that the Canton Police Department had gone to the scene of this morning's double murder-suicide.

One year ago, police responded to an attempted suicide call at the unidentified couple's Alexander Ridge apartment unit, Lt. German Rivas told Canton-Sixes Patch this afternoon.

The boyfriend, described by police as a white male in his early 30s, was intoxicated.

"He had locked himself in the restroom," Rivas said. "When police arrived, he had passed out."

As police continue to piece together what led to the first murder-suicide in Canton since 2008, new details paint a picture of a family under financial durress.

Meanwhile, a new jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics has inspired some to call for reinforcing the safety net that the family appears to have fallen through.

Behind on bills, the boyfriend and his 20-something-year-old girlfriend were scheduled to move out of the Alexander Ridge today or Saturday with their toddler son.

"We don't know whether there was an eviction notice," he said. "There were boxes in the apartment, an indication that they were moving."

An official at Alexander Ridge declined to comment.

Police have learned about the couple's money problems from the man's brother, who discovered the family lying on a bedroom floor with a carbine-like rifle nearby around 6:45 a.m.

The brother lived in the unit, which was news to apartment staff, Rivas said.

"The brother actually has a North Carolina address," he said. "He just stayed here because he was working in Smyrna.

"He got up this morning, went downstairs to put some things in his car to get ready to go to work, then went back upstairs. He realized that he hadn't seen them or heard from them and he went to check on them and that's when he found them."

Rivas said the shootings happened between 4:30 p.m. Thursday – when the boyfriend was seen on the balcony talking on a cell phone – and this morning.

It's not clear if anyone in the home had a weapons permit, he said.

"We understand that (the boyfriend) had several weapons," Rivas said. "The brother thought he had sold all of them."


  1. That is all lies! My sister wasn't having financial problems he was. She was leaving him the next day and he knew it. She had been taking care of him all 7 of those years. They had a child together Noah and she stated to her friend Kristin Russ that she was going back to the apartment to spend the last night with him had no idea that he had planned to kill them both. He was a drunkard and drug user. He shot my nephew twice and my sister once in the chest and them himself. Because that is what a coward would do. We are angry that our side of the family was not spoken to. She had made 30 911 calls on him. This has just devastated our family.

  2. His brother AJ would sit with Chris drinking and talking about my sister. We have seen him make outburst to my sister regarding her when she said that she was tired and going to leave him. think his brother AJ knows more than what he has told the Canton Police. She was also talking to a domestic violence counselor. I will see my sister Minnie Carr vindicated.
