Thursday, June 30, 2011

Decatur, GA: New evidence in daycare murder

DECATUR, Ga. -- Newly released evidence in the Dunwoody Daycare murder has been released and it focuses on the relationship between accused killer Hemy Neuman and the wife of murder victim Rusty Sneiderman.

The evidence is a paper trail of trips Hemy Neuman and Andrea Sneiderman made to Colorado and South Carolina over the past year.

Last July Andrea Sneiderman stayed at a Hampton Inn in Longmont Colorado from July 18 to the 23 of 2010. Hemy Neuman had a plane ticket to Colorado on the 21st, but there is no record that he booked any room.

Attorneys for Neuman's wife say these documents prove allegations that the two were having an affair.

Prosecutors also have reservation information for Neuman at a Greenville Hotel in August of last year, and receipts from Andrea Sneiderman from that weekend.

Also on the evidence list, fibers from a fake beard that Neuman allegedly wore the day of the murder. And there is an e mail Rusty Sneiderman's father wrote to the district attorney just last month detailing a conversation he had with daughter in law Andrea within minutes of the shooting.

And prosecutors also say a neighbor of the Sneiderman's reported seeing a silver van outside the family's home the day Rusty Sneiderman was killed. Prosecutors say Neuman rented a silver Kia Sedona the day of the murder.

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