Saturday, May 28, 2011

West Palm Beach, FL: Man who slit his dog's throat gets year and a day prison sentence

By Cheryl Hanna, Pet Rescue Examiner
May 28th, 2011 9:37 am ET
West Palm Beach, Florida - Kenneth Hall, 40 slit his dog's throat last May and will spend a year-and-a day- thinking about his actions in prison. Animal cruelty is a third-degree felony in Florida.

Last year, Hall took his pitbull and Labrador retriever mix to a friend's home in nearby Lake Worth. The friend's dog and Hall's dog began to fight, although neither dog was hurt. Hall then took his eight-year-old white and beige dog named Fancy outside and tied her to a lamppost.

Hall told his friend that he was going to put his dog out of her misery. Hall untied the dog and cut the dog's throat twice with his pocket knife, and then stabbed the dog in her sides. And according to his friend, Hall picked up Fancy and began to cry telling his friend he loved his dog and didn't want Fancy to suffer anymore. He stabbed her in the sides "to speed up the process."


At the sentencing hearing yesterday, Hall told the court he had been treated for mental illness.

There is more to the story, however according to Hall's girlfriend who told the police she had a domestic altercation with Hall the evening before he killed the dog. She called the Atlantis police. According to a police record, Hall told the girlfriend he was going to kill the dog if the girlfriend called the police. Allegedly, the next day Hall stated,

"I told you if you called the cops, I was going to kill her."

Hall was handcuffed and taken into immediate custody.

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