Monday, May 23, 2011

Jackson, TN: Family has doubts if death was accidental

Husband says gun went off inadvertently during struggle
2:29 AM, May. 23, 2011

Family members of a Chester County woman killed in January question her husband's statements that he shot her accidentally.

Two daughters and the father of Donna Shelby say they believe charges should be filed against Shelby's husband, Bradley Shelby, who has told investigators he accidentally shot the 50-year-old at their home on Jan. 8. No charges are being filed without evidence showing the shooting wasn't accidental, said District Attorney General Jerry Woodall.

Donna Shelby's daughters, Jennifer Wood and Rachael Crump, and her father, Charles Roland, said they believe there is more behind the incident than what her husband says happened.

"We don't for a second believe this was an accident," Wood said.

Bradley Shelby did not return phone messages seeking comment. He has told authorities the gun accidentally went off while he and his wife were fighting over the weapon at their Mayfield Road home. He told investigators his wife was carrying the gun at the time and was upset because she believed she had been locked out of their home, according to the police report.

He said the gun inadvertently went off after she grabbed a stick that was in the room, the report said.

The couple often fought with each other, her family said. Wood and Crump lived with the couple from ages 5 and 6 before leaving their home while they were in junior high school.

"She would call the police, bless her soul, they would fight," Wood said. "They would fight the entire time we lived with them."

While altercations weren't uncommon between the couple, in the last six months of her life, she seemed to be ready to move on from the marriage, they said.

Although the couple still lived together, there were talks about them separating and they lived on opposite sides of their mobile home, her family said.

Several hours before she was shot, Wood said she received a text message from her mother that ended in a smiley face.

"She was just in a good mood," Wood said.

"She was a loving mother while we were growing up, just the epitome of being there helping us study for tests," she said.

"(Bradley) never showed remorse or said, 'I'm sorry, I wish it wouldn't have happened,'" Crump said.

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