Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Miami Gardens, FL: Miami felon, Durall Jessie Miller, 20, shot and killed by police

Durall Jessie Miller, 24, a fugitive on the run from police for domestic violence, was killed in a police shooting on Monday night in Miami Gardens.
Miller, a convicted felon with a long history of arrests for violence, aggravated battery, resisting arrest, domestic violence, theft, drug charges and attempted murder was found hiding in a Miami Gardens home.
Miller not only refused to leave the home, but threatened to shoot officers, according to police. Officers did not want to take a chance and shot Miller dead, while he stood at the entrance of the home.
Miller had already been facing two charges of attempted murder of a police officer from Friday night. He was found by police getting out of his car at Southwest 156th Street and 130th Avenue. When told by police to drop his weapon, he did not listen, but instead, he fired at the officers. No one was hit and the officers are lucky to be alive.
On Monday night, Durall Jessie Miller promised to do the same, but things didn’t turn out as well, as police shot him before he could shoot at them.

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