Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Brownsville, NY: Daughter of Suspect: Stabbing Could Have Been Avoided

The stabbing death of a Brooklyn man on Easter Sunday, reportedly because of a love triangle, could have been avoided, the suspect's daughter told NBC New York on Monday.

"It's so sad that somebody has to lose a life over a woman," said Shanell Holding, whose father, Alrick “Devon” Holding, is charged in the stabbing death of Cleon Leslie, a man he believed was in a relationship with his wife.

Holding, 45, allegedly confronted Leslie, 42, outside his home in Brownsville , where the dispute turned violent, police said. Leslie died from stab wounds in his groin, which he sustained at around 10 a.m, police said.

"He snapped. He just lost it," Holding's daughter said.

Holding then turned the knife on his friend Ansel Leslie, who is the victim's 54-year-old uncle. Leslie survived a slash to his face, which required 29 stitches, according to the Daily News.

"I feel bad -- my friend is in prison and he killed my nephew," Ansel Leslie told the News.

Leslie and Holding's wife had been romantically involved for several months, according to reports, which Shanell Holding, a daughter from a different marriage, confirmed.

"Everyone knew what was going on, but nobody was putting an effort to put a stop to it," she said. "All this could have been avoided."

Posted on Monday, Apr 25, 2011 at 5:11 PM EDT

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