Friday, March 18, 2011

Las Vegas, NV: Vegas Man Charged With Killing Girlfriend

27-Year-Old Arrested In Mississippi
POSTED: 10:41 am PDT March 17, 2011
UPDATED: 10:46 am PDT March 17, 2011

LAS VEGAS -- A Las Vegas man was arrested in Mississippi Thursday morning and charged with killing his girlfriend and dumping her body in the desert.
Justin “Spiderman” Burns is charged with murder and is being held in the city of Jackson.
Burns and the victim, Michele Carson, were last seen together on Nov. 6. One day later, Carson’s body was found by two men target shooting off Interstate 15 near the town of Sloan.

Carson was a resident of West Covina, Calif.
According to an arrest report, a friend of Carson’s said the couple had been involved in two fights, but neither had been reported to police.
Another witness is quoted in the report saying Burns’ brother, Jason, thought Justin Burns killed his girlfriend, although he didn’t know if he did.
Cell phone records were also used to track Burns and Carson on the night of her death and following the discovery of her body. The records indicate that Burns was in the desert hours before she was found, according to the report.
Detectives also pulled the phone records of Burns’ father, Michael, who said in the report that he wouldn’t speak with police about Carson’s disappearance without an attorney present. That meeting never took place, police said.
According to the report, Michael Burns contacted lawyers and the Green Valley Psychiatric offices the day after Carson’s body was found.
“During interviews with witnesses, detectives learned Justin’s father was looking into taking Justin to a psychiatrist to get him help because of an incident with his girlfriend,” the report states.
Michael Burns also took several days off from work following the discovery of Carson’s body, records showed, although police did not provide further details.
A warrant was issued for Justin Burns' arrest in late January. Authorities did not immediately describe details of his arrest.


  1. Justin Burns was an old teammate of mine in college who was always such a joy to be around & I'm extremely disappointed in his actions "IF" he is found guilty of all these charges. My condolences most defiantly go out to Michele Carsons family and I'm ultimately sorry for their loss.

  2. I photographed Justin the 2 seasons he was a Titan. I can't say I knew him well... but I did talk to him regularly and he seemed like a great kid. We stayed in touch and traded emails until recently. So sad for both his and Michele's family. Just awful.

  3. If this is true, I am shocked. Justin stayed in MS for a while and as a teenager he was a sweet humble respectable kid, Justin was in and of our home and also took trips with us. My heart is so sadden. He comes from a beautiful family. I hope this is all a big misunderstanding but my prayers goes out to both families.This tradgedy just does not fit Justins nature.
